What Does The Church Really Think of the Gay Community?

One of the biggest misconceptions in the Catholic faith is that people think we "hate" gays. This statement is extremely inaccurate. I think people assume this because they don't really know what the Church teaches. It is our of ignorance that they come up with this way of thinking. So what does the Church believe in? The Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is a text that contains dogmas and teachings of the Church, names "homosexual acts " as "intrinsically immoral and contrary to the natural law". It names these homosexual desires as "objectively disordered". So this means that the Church doesn't see homosexual orientation as a sin in itself. The sin would be to act on those disordered desires. The reason Catholics believe this is a disorder, comes from the fall of Adam and Eve. When God created humanity, he never intended for there to be evil in the world. But he did give us free will. So once Adam and Eve went against Go...