What's So Wrong With Being Pro-Choice?

Another knock people typically put on the Church has to do with our beliefs on abortion. The reasoning behind this is quite obvious: "Thou Shall Not Kill"(Exodus 20:13). But let's dig a little deeper and take a look at God's plan for creation in the first place.

It isn't much of a question that God created human beings to procreate. But that doesn't mean we can do whatever we want with our bodies, because clearly we know some of the potential consequences. God wants us to imitate the Holy Family(Jesus, Mary, and Joseph). So when we freely use sex as a means of pleasure outside of marriage, this can lead to an "unplanned" or "inconvenient" pregnancy. Of course it won't be easy, emotionally and physically, to go through with a pregnancy, especially if you weren't intending on it. But what were you intending on? Did you depend solely on your contraception to save the day? Were you just being careless? Did you think this was something to truly show your love for your significant other or just someone random? Okay, now this isn't really a blog about pre-marital sex so I'll shift the focus.

Most people see this as "the quick fix". This can be for a number of different reasons. But in any case, even rape, there is never an excuse for taking the life of a helpless innocent child. God sees every human being, from the moment of conception until the moment of death, as someone with human dignity. He created each and every one of us in his image and likeness. The only difference between the unborn baby and us is that they cannot defend themselves. Other then that, we are exactly the same in the eyes of God. It's pretty selfish when you think about it. Most times, you make the decision that leads to this. So you are basically "throwing away" your consequences. What kind of life would we be living if we never had consequences for anything that we've done wrong? I'm not saying that bearing a child and giving birth is a terrible consequence. That is something beautiful regardless of your circumstance. But whatever the case may be for you, you should take up this cross with strength and ask for God's guidance. He is the only one who can get you through it. Although you believe you made a "mistake", you need to remember that God never makes mistakes. He can allow you to grow in virtue and faith through this tough time. Many woman who go through with abortions are extremely wounded and regretful for the rest of their lives. That cross is going to be way harder to carry.

One woman claimed: “I’ve done a lot of ‘bad’ things in my life. I’ve made choices that will forever haunt me no matter how much money I shell out for a shrink,” she continued. “But the choice that I made on that day, the choice to sign my name on a piece of paper that would give my consent to terminating a pregnancy is chief among the ones I regret most. Yes, I regret my abortion.”

If everyone fully understood how much each individual life was worth, this wouldn't even be an issue. But since the case of Roe V. Wade in 1973, over 60,000,000 abortions have taken place in the United States. Women claim this to be some sort of "woman's right". They make is sound like it's as simple as the right to vote. They are simply saying, "Give me the right to kill my own child." What if your child was born and a few days later the baby was crying and you thought it would be convenient to just "do away with him or her". Well, you probably wouldn't do that because if you did then you'd be put in prison. Abortion is the same exact thing, but for this murder you won't be locked up. So it doesn't matter the stage of your pregnancy, just as long as you do it before the baby is born. Then you're in the clear... but not so much. Although this is okay with the government, you are cutting your relationship off with God completely. This is a mortal sin and there will be consequences, whether on this earth or in the next life. Of course our God is merciful, but you need to do your part and repent! If you cut yourself off from Jesus, you are killing yourself spiritually.

Our culture is extremely self-centered. It tells us to do everything and anything that makes our lives "better" and "easier". Our society says that pleasures, accomplishments, relationships, and materialistic things will make us happy. It claims, "Flock to those things and that's where you will find your peace." But it's a lie. The devil helps us to believe these lies. It will lead you to a gnawing dissatisfaction. I can promise you that.


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