
What's So Wrong With Being Pro-Choice?

Another knock people typically put on the Church has to do with our beliefs on abortion. The reasoning behind this is quite obvious: "Thou Shall Not Kill"(Exodus 20:13). But let's dig a little deeper and take a look at God's plan for creation in the first place. It isn't much of a question that God created human beings to procreate. But that doesn't mean we can do whatever we want with our bodies, because clearly we know some of the potential consequences. God wants us to imitate the Holy Family(Jesus, Mary, and Joseph). So when we freely use sex as a means of pleasure outside of marriage, this can lead to an "unplanned" or "inconvenient" pregnancy. Of course it won't be easy, emotionally and physically, to go through with a pregnancy, especially if you weren't intending on it. But what were you intending on? Did you depend solely on your contraception to save the day? Were you just being careless? Did you think this was something...

What Does The Church Really Think of the Gay Community?

One of the biggest misconceptions in the Catholic faith is that people think we "hate" gays. This statement is extremely inaccurate. I think people assume this because they don't really know what the Church teaches. It is our of ignorance that they come up with this way of thinking.  So what does the Church believe in?  The Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is a text that contains dogmas and teachings of the Church, names "homosexual acts " as "intrinsically immoral and contrary to the natural law". It names these homosexual desires as "objectively disordered". So this means that the Church doesn't see homosexual orientation as a sin in itself. The sin would be to act on those disordered desires. The reason Catholics believe this is a disorder, comes from the fall of Adam and Eve. When God created humanity, he never intended for there to be evil in the world. But he did give us free will. So once Adam and Eve went against Go...

What Does The Resurrection Really Mean?

First, I’d like to say Happy Easter! HE HAS RISEN! As Christians, we are all familiar with the resurrection of Christ. But do we really understand the resurrection? Do we ever wonder why it had to happen? Do we know that our faith could NOT exist if Easter Sunday never happened? I’m not belittling your knowledge, but I think it’s important to dig deeper into this topic to truly understand the cause and effects of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For most of my life, I just knew that “Jesus died and rose for us to save us from sins”. But I never even questioned that statement to investigate further. Before my conversion, I kind of just believed it. But since I didn’t see the full picture, the passion of Christ didn’t fill me with the joy that it does today. Let’s start at the beginning of Genesis. God originally wanted creation to exist without evil, but humans messed up His plan. God’s first people, Adam and Eve, had been tempted by the devil in the Garden...

Why Isn't The Whole World Converted to Christianity?

A lot of Christians and Catholics may wonder “Why hasn’t the whole world converted yet? We have such a great faith? What’s behind this? Do we have any control over it?” Some typical answers to this question would be “There are too many bad things going on in the world” or “There’s not enough proof” or “There are too many other religions”. But I am here to tell you that I believe it has absolutely NOTHING to do with any of these objections. CHRISTIANS are the reason that the whole world isn’t converted. It is our fault. Sounds ironic eh? Think about it though. How are Christians nowadays living their lives? Are they trying to live according to the Gospel? Most importantly, do you see a difference in the way Christians live then people who aren’t Christians? If you don’t, then there’s your problem. People are converted to Christianity when they meet a person who resonates peace, comfort, sacrifice, love, and joy. Mother Theresa is a perfect example. She met many pagans...

Why Does the Church Say I Can’t Have Sex Before Marriage?

The Catholic Church is always put down about the rule that says “no” to sex before marriage. But no one seems to turn it around and look at what they’re saying yes to. By saying “no” to sex before marriage, one implicitly says “yes” to God’s love and His creation. Most teenagers HATE this about the Catholic Church. How do I know this? Because I used to be one of them. As I dated boys throughout my teen years, I never thought twice about saving my body for my future husband. It seemed like a silly idea and definitely something that nobody my age was doing. So why was I going to hold back? I wanted to “live my life” to the fullest and have no limitations. Which was exactly what I did. The real term us Catholics use for "saving yourself for marriage" is chastity, so that’s what I’ll refer to it as in this blog. Chastity has many different meanings that we can get into, but I want to focus on the physical and sexual aspects of it. Other parts of chastity include how we ...

Do You See Everyone As Another Jesus?

In the Gospel of Matthew 25:40-45, Jesus says “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” What exactly did he mean by this? Well, to put it simply, he wants us to see every person we encounter as another Jesus. It’s easier to think as if every person on planet earth were Jesus in disguise. If you are a Christian and you met Jesus, think about how you would speak to him, treat him, listen to him, and respect him. I’m sure everybody’s answers would be a little different, but most Christians would have an extremely positive reaction to encountering our Lord and Savior. What you do or don’t do to people, you do or don’t do to Jesus Christ. You might read this interpretation and laugh. I get it. There are some pretty difficult people that we have to encounter in our lives each and every day. But think about how the world would change, if only we treated everyone as if we would treat Jesus. For exa...