What's So Wrong With Being Pro-Choice?

Another knock people typically put on the Church has to do with our beliefs on abortion. The reasoning behind this is quite obvious: "Thou Shall Not Kill"(Exodus 20:13). But let's dig a little deeper and take a look at God's plan for creation in the first place. It isn't much of a question that God created human beings to procreate. But that doesn't mean we can do whatever we want with our bodies, because clearly we know some of the potential consequences. God wants us to imitate the Holy Family(Jesus, Mary, and Joseph). So when we freely use sex as a means of pleasure outside of marriage, this can lead to an "unplanned" or "inconvenient" pregnancy. Of course it won't be easy, emotionally and physically, to go through with a pregnancy, especially if you weren't intending on it. But what were you intending on? Did you depend solely on your contraception to save the day? Were you just being careless? Did you think this was something...